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About the book
Amidst the explosion of new discoveries in neuroscience and our exposure to unprecedented volumes of information a silent tragedy is occurring. You may be suffering from an anxious mood, persistent distress, agitation, an inability to focus, insomnia, feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or you simply may have lost your mojo. Worse yet, someone in your family may have dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, stroke, autism, mental illness, an addiction or has suffered a concussion and never been the same.
After working with hundreds of patients over the course of twenty-five years, I’m convinced that the ultimate path to harnessing the maximum capacity for our brain’s remodeling needs to be an inclusive, whole approach. Fortunately, what’s good for the brain is good for your entire body.
Through these practical, evidence-based wellness strategies you can learn how to:
- Nourish your brain for optimal mood and focus
- Increase the hormones that lead to happiness and sprout new nerves for memory.
- Cool the inflammation in your brain
- Heal the gut/brain axis
- Address toxins and detoxification
- Boost your mitochondria
- Engage in neuro-regenerative practices to build new neural pathways
- Heal from the effects of emotional and physical trauma on the brain
- Deeply rest your mind for renewal

The good news is your brain can regenerate new tissue and develop pathways for creativity, ingenuity, joy and resilience. Regenerate Your Brain shows you how.
Meet Dr. Jacqueline Chan
Dr. Jacqueline Chan, DO, MIM, is an osteopathic physician with more than 20 years of experience as a cutting-edge integrative holistic doctor. She is a member of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and the Institute of Functional Medicine; is the medical director at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery of Marin; and maintains her integrative medical practice at Marin Natural Medicine Clinic in California.
Total-body rejuvenation is Dr. Chan’s main interest. Acting as a synergist, she combines the tenets of her osteopathic training to balance the structure of the body and prevent and optimize health through diet and lifestyle. She utilizes both functional medicine lab work (to identify factors that put her clients at risk of autoimmune or degenerative conditions) and energy medicine (to assist in balancing the energy centers of the body).
Dr. Chan’s goal is to connect her patients with their truth, their wisdom, and their own innate healing force. As a holistic medicine physician, she believes that compassion, presence, and grace are crucial healing forces, along with intelligently applied clinical knowledge.
For her own reinvigoration she turns to nature, her horse, prayer, poetry writing and dance.

Praise for Regenerate your brain

"While we live in a time of ever increasing rates of brain related diseases, from Alzheimer’s to depression to attention deficit disorder, it’s surprising to many to learn that to a significant degree, each of us is the arbiter of our brain’s destiny. Our day-to-day choices related to the food we eat and the activities in which we engage are powerfully influential in terms of the brain’s functionality and resistance to degeneration. And Regenerate Your Brain eloquently presents not just why these choices matter, but how they can be easily implemented for your better brain. Take control of your brain’s destiny - here’s how."

Dr. Jeff Rockwell, DC, MA, DOMP
"Although the field of neuroscience has made tremendous progress over the past couple of decades, understanding the essential principles of brain function, and putting that knowledge to personal use, is still far more unknown than known. Dr. Jacqueline Chan’s new book is the most comprehensive and user-friendly book on this all important subject I have ever come across and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking greater health and happiness.“

Beth Greer
Environmental Health Educator and author of Super Natural Home
“Through her personal journey and evidence-based wellness strategies, Dr. Chan enlightens us with a comprehensive array of practical information and valuable resources. Her holistic approach offers us the ability to heal our bodies and keep our brains active and healthy well into our 70s, 80s and beyond.”

Shauna Shapiro, PhD
author of Good Morning I Love You
“Weaving together rigorous science with decades of clinical wisdom, Dr. Jaqueline Chan has written an exquisite book offering a roadmap to a more peaceful mind.”

Read the preface to
Regenerate your brain
Amidst the eruption of books on neuroscience in recent years, very few are written to cover comprehensive yet foundational health care musts for brain health. These other books may inform you about our concept of “the mind” or explore who we are as conscious beings. They may guide you into a new way to meditate, or expose you to intriguing case studies, therapies, and research discoveries. People are now offering special diets that promote brain health with powerful brain-enhancing supplements or sound-healing strategies. While I was writing this book, people would ask me what it was about. When I replied, “Taking care of our brains,” they would often ask me if I was writing about mushroom journeys, the latest nootropic pill they could swallow to make them brilliant, or some form of artificial intelligence they could put on their head to shift brain waves. Not that I’m opposed to any of those, but the truth is so few people are doing even the basic, foundational health care steps for their brains.
As a holistic physician, one of my gifts is the ability to synergize a wide cross-section of academic disciplines. I realized in writing this book that healing the brain really means we can’t leave anything out. I view it as applying a wheel of wellness, with the brain in the center, benefiting from everything else we do in the circumference. If we look at this wheel, we will find it is regenerative, it includes all aspects of good health, and it allows the brain to evolve based on the latest principles of neuroplasticity. This wheel has the following eight sections:
- Nourishing the brain
- Balancing healthy hormones
- Healing leaky gut and leaky brain
- Cooling brain inflammation
- Detoxifying for clear cognition
- Boosting mitochondria and regenerating new neural tissue
- Soothing the mind
- Building new neural pathways
As a physician, I want to help my patients immediately. This is the spirit from which I wrote this book. I thought, What if all it took was a few hours of reading for people to create an evidence-based, practical, and effective plan for their optimal brain health? I hope this book explains not only the “why” behind supplement prescriptions and lab work but also the “what and how” with relative ease. I placed some of the research studies in sidebars so that if you want to read this book more quickly, you can skip the research sections for now and come back to them later. I also placed supplement lists, dosages, and a list of labs at the end of each chapter so that you can organize your to-do list in terms of maximizing the tools that help you attain optimal brain health. At the end of the book, I have a resources section that contains links to videos to watch, retreat centers to attend, recipes to cook, and people to contact for certain equipment or supplements I’ve referenced. The main chapters of the book are geared toward more lengthy physiological explanations behind the “whys and hows” of regenerative brain care.
I have been practicing as a board-certified family physician and board-certified holistic medicine practitioner since 1994. The importance of my education really hit home when I was challenged by several insults to my own brain. In the first chapter of this book, “My Story,” I share with you how my journey to regenerative brain health began. What I share with you I did not learn in medical school or in my hospital rotations during my internship and residency years. This was my own personal journey, supported by the wealth of knowledge of other doctors who opened up this path of knowledge in the fields of functional medicine and holistic medicine. I am grateful for what I have learned, because it has brought me back to resilient clarity of mind, and I want you to have the same opportunity and benefit from this approach to brain care.
My medical practice has deep ethical roots in the Hippocratic oath, which I took in 1994 when I graduated from medical school. This is an oath that all physicians take upon graduating. It states the following:
I do hereby affirm my loyalty to the profession I am about to enter. I will be mindful always of my great responsibility to preserve the health and the life of my patients, to retain their confidence and respect both as a physician and a friend who will guard their secrets with scrupulous honor and fidelity, to perform faithfully my professional duties, to employ only those recognized methods of treatment consistent with good judgment and with my skill and ability, keeping in mind always nature’s laws and the body’s inherent capacity for recovery.
Since taking that oath, I have attended over 150 conferences and spent thousands of hours learning and studying in order to better serve my patients. My patients’ results and the information they have shared with me have culminated in both a wealth of knowledge and a solid body of clinical experience. My twenty-five-year romance with the body’s intelligence has been a driving force in my career and medical practice; I have searched for a better understanding of the body’s homeostatic mechanisms and marveled at the beauty of its structural scaffolding and physiological underpinnings. In keeping with the Hippocratic oath, I have sought to empower my patients with knowledge and practical resources—not to simply rely upon “quick-fix” drugs to treat a symptom, but rather to unearth the underlying cause. I also realize that most patients come to me because they seek to get well, once and for all. This is why I chose to make this book comprehensive and practical.
More Praise for
Regenerate your brain

Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times best-selling author of Chicken Soup
for the Woman’s Soul and Happy for No Reason
“In Regenerate Your Brain, Dr. Chan proves that you don’t need to live with depression, anger or other negative emotions. She offers a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide that can help you to experience ongoing states of tranquility, happiness and focus. This is a definitive road map to enhance your brain health and overall well-being."

Mark Stephen Chasan, CEO, AWE Global, Inc.
“In the 12 years I have known Dr. Chan, she has demonstrated a rare combination of integrating science with intuition and has fearlessly pushed the boundaries of conventional western medicine to deliver optimal wellness to her patients. Regenerate Your Brain provides deep and well researched information along with practical steps for achieving greater brain health, neuroplasticity, longevity and holistic regenerative wellness. I feel smarter already having just read the book and feel improvement in my clarity and overall health from following Dr. Chan’s suggestions!”

Miranda Macpherson
spiritual teacher, modern mystic and author
“I opened it up just to take a glance, before I began my very busy day…and could not stop scrolling through and reading more. An hour went by. It is totally fabulous. The book is EXCELLENT and it deserves to be ushered thoughtfully and successfully into the world, where it can help as many people as possible.”

Mark Coleman
author of From Suffering to PeaCE and Make Peace with Your Mind
“In this excellent new book on brain health, Dr. Chan offers practical and clear guidance on understanding the mystery of the brain and what you can do to support and optimize its functioning. Through her clear guidance based on years of clinical practice, you will find her words illuminate the path to true brain health and genuine well-being and happiness."